Commit 7998a3e1 authored by Javohir Savriy's avatar Javohir Savriy
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Add iOS module

parent 52262fce
import Foundation import Foundation
// import Onfido import MyIdSDK
// public class AppearancePublic: NSObject { public class AppearancePublic: NSObject {
// public let primaryColor: UIColor public let primaryColor: UIColor?
// public let primaryTitleColor: UIColor public let secondaryColor: UIColor?
// public let primaryBackgroundPressedColor: UIColor public let errorColor: UIColor?
// public let supportDarkMode: Bool public let primaryButtonColor: UIColor?
// public let primaryButtonColorDisabled: UIColor?
// public init( public let primaryButtonTextColor: UIColor?
// primaryColor: UIColor, public let primaryButtonTextColorDisabled: UIColor?
// primaryTitleColor: UIColor, public let buttonCornerRadius: Int?
// primaryBackgroundPressedColor: UIColor,
// supportDarkMode: Bool = true) { public init(
// self.primaryColor = primaryColor primaryColor: UIColor?,
// self.primaryTitleColor = primaryTitleColor secondaryColor: UIColor?,
// self.primaryBackgroundPressedColor = primaryBackgroundPressedColor errorColor: UIColor?,
// self.supportDarkMode = supportDarkMode primaryButtonColor: UIColor?,
// } primaryButtonColorDisabled: UIColor?,
// } primaryButtonTextColor: UIColor?,
// primaryButtonTextColorDisabled: UIColor?,
// public func loadAppearance(config: NSDictionary) throws -> AppearancePublic? { buttonCornerRadius: Int?
// ) {
// if let jsonResult = config as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> { self.primaryColor = primaryColor
// let primaryColor: UIColor = (jsonResult["onfidoPrimaryColor"] == nil) self.secondaryColor = secondaryColor
// ? UIColor.primaryColor : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["onfidoPrimaryColor"] as! String) self.errorColor = errorColor
// let primaryTitleColor: UIColor = (jsonResult["onfidoPrimaryButtonTextColor"] == nil) self.primaryButtonColor = primaryButtonColor
// ? UIColor.white : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["onfidoPrimaryButtonTextColor"] as! String) self.primaryButtonColorDisabled = primaryButtonColorDisabled
// let primaryBackgroundPressedColor: UIColor = (jsonResult["onfidoPrimaryButtonColorPressed"] == nil) self.primaryButtonTextColor = primaryButtonTextColor
// ? UIColor.primaryButtonColorPressed : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["onfidoPrimaryButtonColorPressed"] as! String) self.primaryButtonTextColorDisabled = primaryButtonTextColorDisabled
// let supportDarkMode: Bool = (jsonResult["onfidoIosSupportDarkMode"] == nil) self.buttonCornerRadius = buttonCornerRadius
// ? true : jsonResult["onfidoIosSupportDarkMode"] as! Bool }
// }
// let appearancePublic = AppearancePublic( public func loadAppearance(config: NSDictionary) throws -> AppearancePublic? {
// primaryColor: primaryColor, if let jsonResult = config as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
// primaryTitleColor: primaryTitleColor, let primaryColor = (jsonResult["primaryColor"] == nil)
// primaryBackgroundPressedColor: primaryBackgroundPressedColor, ? nil : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["primaryColor"] as! String)
// supportDarkMode: supportDarkMode
// ) let secondaryColor = (jsonResult["secondaryColor"] == nil)
// return appearancePublic ? nil : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["secondaryColor"] as! String)
// } else {
// return nil let errorColor = (jsonResult["errorColor"] == nil)
// } ? nil : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["errorColor"] as! String)
// }
// let primaryButtonColor = (jsonResult["primaryButtonColor"] == nil)
// public func loadAppearanceFromConfig(config: NSDictionary) throws -> Appearance { ? nil : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["primaryButtonColor"] as! String)
// let appearancePublic = try loadAppearance(config: config)
// let primaryButtonColorDisabled = (jsonResult["primaryButtonColorDisabled"] == nil)
// if let appearancePublic = appearancePublic { ? nil : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["primaryButtonColorDisabled"] as! String)
// return Appearance(
// primaryColor: appearancePublic.primaryColor, let primaryButtonTextColor = (jsonResult["primaryButtonTextColor"] == nil)
// primaryTitleColor: appearancePublic.primaryTitleColor, ? nil : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["primaryButtonTextColor"] as! String)
// primaryBackgroundPressedColor: appearancePublic.primaryBackgroundPressedColor,
// supportDarkMode: appearancePublic.supportDarkMode let primaryButtonTextColorDisabled = (jsonResult["primaryButtonTextColorDisabled"] == nil)
// ) ? nil : UIColor.from(hex: jsonResult["primaryButtonTextColorDisabled"] as! String)
// } else {
// return Appearance.default; let buttonCornerRadius: Int? = (jsonResult["buttonCornerRadius"] == nil) ? nil : 8
// }
// } let appearancePublic = AppearancePublic(
// primaryColor: primaryColor,
// public func buildOnfidoConfig(config:NSDictionary, appearance: Appearance) throws -> Onfido.OnfidoConfigBuilder { secondaryColor: secondaryColor,
// let sdkToken:String = config["sdkToken"] as! String errorColor: errorColor,
// let flowSteps:NSDictionary? = config["flowSteps"] as? NSDictionary primaryButtonColor: primaryButtonColor,
// let captureDocument:NSDictionary? = flowSteps?["captureDocument"] as? NSDictionary primaryButtonColorDisabled: primaryButtonColorDisabled,
// let captureFace:NSDictionary? = flowSteps?["captureFace"] as? NSDictionary primaryButtonTextColor: primaryButtonTextColor,
// primaryButtonTextColorDisabled: primaryButtonTextColorDisabled,
// var onfidoConfig = OnfidoConfig.builder() buttonCornerRadius: buttonCornerRadius
// .withSDKToken(sdkToken) )
// .withAppearance(appearance) return appearancePublic
// } else {
// return nil
// if flowSteps?["welcome"] as? Bool == true { }
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withWelcomeStep() }
// }
// public func loadAppearanceFromConfig(config: NSDictionary) throws -> MyIdAppearance {
// if let docType = captureDocument?["docType"] as? String, let countryCode = captureDocument?["countryCode"] as? String { let appearancePublic = try loadAppearance(config: config)
// switch docType {
// case "PASSPORT": if let appearancePublic = appearancePublic {
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withDocumentStep(ofType: .passport(config: PassportConfiguration())) let appearance = MyIdAppearance()
// case "DRIVING_LICENCE": appearance.primaryColor = appearancePublic.primaryColor
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withDocumentStep(ofType: .drivingLicence(config: DrivingLicenceConfiguration(country: countryCode))) appearance.secondaryColor = appearancePublic.secondaryColor
// case "NATIONAL_IDENTITY_CARD": appearance.errorColor = appearancePublic.errorColor
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withDocumentStep(ofType: .nationalIdentityCard(config: NationalIdentityConfiguration(country: countryCode))) appearance.primaryButtonColor = appearancePublic.primaryButtonColor
// case "RESIDENCE_PERMIT": appearance.primaryButtonColorDisabled = appearancePublic.primaryButtonColorDisabled
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withDocumentStep(ofType: .residencePermit(config: ResidencePermitConfiguration(country: countryCode))) appearance.primaryButtonTextColor = appearancePublic.primaryButtonTextColor
// case "VISA": appearance.primaryButtonTextColorDisabled = appearancePublic.primaryButtonTextColorDisabled
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withDocumentStep(ofType: .visa(config: VisaConfiguration(country: countryCode)))
// case "WORK_PERMIT": if let buttonCornerRadius = appearancePublic.buttonCornerRadius {
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withDocumentStep(ofType: .workPermit(config: WorkPermitConfiguration(country: countryCode))) appearance.buttonCornerRadius = Float(buttonCornerRadius)
// case "GENERIC": }
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withDocumentStep(ofType: .generic(config: GenericDocumentConfiguration(country: countryCode)))
// default: return appearance
// throw NSError(domain: "Unsupported document type", code: 0) } else {
// } return MyIdAppearance()
// } else if captureDocument != nil { }
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withDocumentStep() }
// }
// public func buildMyIdConfig(
// if let faceVariant = captureFace?["type"] as? String { config: NSDictionary,
// if faceVariant == "VIDEO" { appearance: MyIdAppearance
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withFaceStep(ofVariant: .video(withConfiguration: VideoStepConfiguration(showIntroVideo: true, manualLivenessCapture: false))) ) throws -> MyIdConfig {
// } else if faceVariant == "PHOTO" { let clientId = config["clientId"] as? String ?? ""
// onfidoConfig = onfidoConfig.withFaceStep(ofVariant: .photo(withConfiguration: nil)) let passportData = config["passportData"] as? String ?? ""
// } else { let dateOfBirth = config["dateOfBirth"] as? String ?? ""
// throw NSError(domain: "Invalid or unsupported face variant", code: 0) let sdkHash = config["sdkHash"] as? String ?? ""
// } let externalId = config["externalId"] as? String ?? ""
// }
// return onfidoConfig; let threshold = config["threshold"] as? Float ?? 0.6
// }
// let buildModeKey = config["buildMode"] as? String ?? ""
// @objc(OnfidoSdk) var buildMode = MyIdBuildMode.PRODUCTION
// class OnfidoSdk: NSObject { if (buildModeKey == "DEBUG") {
// buildMode = MyIdBuildMode.DEBUG
// @objc static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool { }
// return false
// } let entryTypeKey = config["entryType"] as? String ?? ""
// var entryType = MyIdEntryType.AUTH
// @objc func start(_ config: NSDictionary, result: @escaping FlutterResult) -> Void { if (entryTypeKey == "FACE") {
// DispatchQueue.main.async { entryType = MyIdEntryType.FACE
// let withConfig = config["config"] as! NSDictionary }
// let withAppearance = config["appearance"] as! NSDictionary
// withConfig, withAppearance: withAppearance, result: result) let residencyKey = config["residency"] as? String ?? ""
// } var residency = MyIdResidency.RESIDENT
// } if (residencyKey == "USER_DEFINED") {
// residency = MyIdResidency.USER_DEFINED
// private func run(withConfig config: NSDictionary, withAppearance appearanceConfig: NSDictionary, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { } else if (residencyKey == "NON_RESIDENT") {
// residency = MyIdResidency.NON_RESIDENT
// do { }
// let appearance = try loadAppearanceFromConfig(config: appearanceConfig)
// let onfidoConfig = try buildOnfidoConfig(config: config, appearance: appearance) let localeKey = config["locale"] as? String ?? ""
// let builtOnfidoConfig = try var locale = MyIdLocale.UZ
// if (localeKey == "RUS") {
// // Copy the face varient from the config since it is not contained in the response: locale = MyIdLocale.UZ
// let flowSteps:NSDictionary? = config["flowSteps"] as? NSDictionary } else if (localeKey == "ENG") {
// let captureFace:NSDictionary? = flowSteps?["captureFace"] as? NSDictionary locale = MyIdLocale.EN
// let faceVariant = captureFace?["type"] as? String }
// let onfidoFlow = OnfidoFlow(withConfiguration: builtOnfidoConfig) let cameraShapeKey = config["cameraShape"] as? String ?? ""
// .with(responseHandler: { [weak self] response in var cameraShape = MyIdCameraShape.CIRCLE
// guard let `self` = self else { return } if (cameraShapeKey == "ELLIPSE") {
// switch response { cameraShape = MyIdCameraShape.ELLIPSE
// case let .error(error): }
// result(FlutterError(code: "error", message: "Encountered an error: \(error)", details: nil))
// return; let resolutionKey = config["resolution"] as? String ?? ""
// case let .success(results): var resolution = MyIdResolution.RESOLUTION_480
// result(createResponse(results, faceVariant: faceVariant)) if (resolutionKey == "RESOLUTION_720") {
// return; resolution = MyIdResolution.RESOLUTION_720
// case .cancel: }
// result(FlutterError(code: "cancel", message: "User canceled flow", details: nil))
// return; let withPhoto = config["withPhoto"] as? Bool ?? false
// default:
// result(FlutterError(code: "error", message: "Unknown error has occured", details: nil)) let organizationDetailsDict = config["organizationDetails"] as? NSDictionary
// return; let organizationDetails = MyIdOrganizationDetails()
// } organizationDetails.phoneNumber = organizationDetailsDict?["phone"] as? String ?? ""
// })
// let config = MyIdConfig()
// let onfidoRun = try config.clientId = clientId
//, animated: true) config.passportData = passportData
// } catch let error as NSError { config.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth
// result(FlutterError(code: "error", message: error.domain, details: nil)) config.sdkHash = sdkHash
// return; config.externalId = externalId
// } catch { config.threshold = threshold
// result(FlutterError(code: "error", message: "Error running Onfido SDK", details: nil)) config.buildMode = buildMode
// return; config.entryType = entryType
// } config.residency = residency
// } config.locale = locale
// } config.cameraShape = cameraShape
// config.resolution = resolution
// extension UIColor { config.withPhoto = withPhoto
// config.appearance = appearance
// static var primaryColor: UIColor { config.organizationDetails = organizationDetails
// return decideColor(light: UIColor.from(hex: "#353FF4"), dark: UIColor.from(hex: "#3B43D8"))
// } return config
// }
// static var primaryButtonColorPressed: UIColor {
// return decideColor(light: UIColor.from(hex: "#232AAD"), dark: UIColor.from(hex: "#5C6CFF")) @objc(MyIdSdk)
// } class MyIdSdk: NSObject, MyIdClientDelegate {
// private static func decideColor(light: UIColor, dark: UIColor) -> UIColor { private var flutterResult: FlutterResult? = nil
// #if XCODE11
// guard #available(iOS 13.0, *) else { func onSuccess(result: MyIdResult) {
// return light if let fResult = flutterResult {
// } fResult(createResponse(result))
// return UIColor { (collection) -> UIColor in }
// return collection.userInterfaceStyle == .dark ? dark : light }
// }
// #else func onError(exception: MyIdException) {
// return light if let fResult = flutterResult {
// #endif fResult(FlutterError(code: "error", message: "\(exception.code ?? "101") - \(exception.message ?? "Unexpected error starting MyID")", details: nil))
// } }
// }
// static func from(hex: String) -> UIColor {
// func onUserExited() {
// let hexString = hex.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) if let fResult = flutterResult {
// let scanner = Scanner(string: hexString) fResult(FlutterError(code: "cancel", message: "User canceled flow", details: nil))
// }
// if hexString.hasPrefix("#") { }
// scanner.scanLocation = 1
// } @objc static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {
// return false
// var color: UInt32 = 0 }
// scanner.scanHexInt32(&color)
// @objc func start(
// let mask = 0x000000FF _ config: NSDictionary,
// let redInt = Int(color >> 16) & mask result: @escaping FlutterResult
// let greenInt = Int(color >> 8) & mask ) -> Void {
// let blueInt = Int(color) & mask flutterResult = result
// let red = CGFloat(redInt) / 255.0 DispatchQueue.main.async {
// let green = CGFloat(greenInt) / 255.0 let withConfig = config["config"] as! NSDictionary
// let blue = CGFloat(blueInt) / 255.0 let withAppearance = config["appearance"] as! NSDictionary
// withConfig, withAppearance: withAppearance, result: result)
// return UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: 1.0) }
// } }
// }
// private func run(
// extension Appearance { withConfig config: NSDictionary,
// withAppearance appearanceConfig: NSDictionary,
// static let `default` = Appearance( result: @escaping FlutterResult
// primaryColor: UIColor.primaryColor, ) {
// primaryTitleColor: UIColor.white, do {
// primaryBackgroundPressedColor: UIColor.primaryButtonColorPressed) let appearance = try loadAppearanceFromConfig(config: appearanceConfig)
// } let myidConfig = try buildMyIdConfig(config: config, appearance: appearance)
MyIdClient.start(withConfig: myidConfig, withDelegate: self)
} catch let error as NSError {
result(FlutterError(code: "error", message: error.domain, details: nil))
} catch {
result(FlutterError(code: "error", message: "Unexpected error starting MyID", details: nil))
extension UIColor {
static func from(hex: String) -> UIColor {
let hexString = hex.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let scanner = Scanner(string: hexString)
if hexString.hasPrefix("#") {
scanner.scanLocation = 1
var color: UInt32 = 0
let mask = 0x000000FF
let redInt = Int(color >> 16) & mask
let greenInt = Int(color >> 8) & mask
let blueInt = Int(color) & mask
let red = CGFloat(redInt) / 255.0
let green = CGFloat(greenInt) / 255.0
let blue = CGFloat(blueInt) / 255.0
return UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: 1.0)
extension MyIdAppearance {
static let `default` = MyIdAppearance()
import Foundation import Foundation
// import Onfido import MyIdSDK
// func createResponse(_ results: [OnfidoResult], faceVariant: String?) -> [String: [String: Any]] { func createResponse(_ result: MyIdResult) -> [String: String] {
// var jsonResponse = [String: [String: Any]]() var jsonResponse = [String: String]()
// let document: [OnfidoResult]? = results.filter({ result in if let code = result.code {
// if case OnfidoResult.document = result { return true } jsonResponse["code"] = code
// return false; }
// }); if let comparison = result.comparisonValue {
// jsonResponse["comparison"] = comparison
// let onfidoResult: OnfidoResult? = document?.first }
// if let image = result.image {
// let face: OnfidoResult? = results.filter({ result in if let base64 = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0)?.base64EncodedString() {
// if case OnfidoResult.face = result { return true } jsonResponse["base64"] = base64
// return false }
// }).first }
// if let documentUnwrapped = onfidoResult, case OnfidoResult.document(let documentResponse) = documentUnwrapped { return jsonResponse
// jsonResponse["document"] = ["front": ["id":]] }
// if let back = documentResponse.back {
// jsonResponse["document"]?["back"] = ["id":]
// }
// }
// if let faceUnwrapped = face, case OnfidoResult.face(let faceResponse) = faceUnwrapped {
// jsonResponse["face"] = ["id":, "variant": faceVariant!]
// }
// return jsonResponse
// }
...@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import UIKit ...@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import UIKit
public class SwiftMyIdPlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin { public class SwiftMyIdPlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin {
private let myidSdk = MyIdSdk()
public static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) { public static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
let channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "myid", binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger()) let channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "myid", binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger())
let instance = SwiftMyIdPlugin() let instance = SwiftMyIdPlugin()
...@@ -10,24 +12,9 @@ public class SwiftMyIdPlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin { ...@@ -10,24 +12,9 @@ public class SwiftMyIdPlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin {
} }
public func handle(_ call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { public func handle(_ call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
result("iOS " + UIDevice.current.systemVersion) if(call.method.elementsEqual("startSdk")){
let config = call.arguments as! NSDictionary
myidSdk.start(config, result: result)
} }
} }
// @available(iOS 11.0, *)
// public class SwiftFlutterOnfidoPlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin {
// private let onfidoSdk = OnfidoSdk()
// public static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
// let channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "flutter_onfido", binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger())
// let instance = SwiftFlutterOnfidoPlugin()
// registrar.addMethodCallDelegate(instance, channel: channel)
// }
// public func handle(_ call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
// if(call.method.elementsEqual("start")){
// let config = call.arguments as! NSDictionary
// onfidoSdk.start(config, result: result)
// }
// }
// }
...@@ -5,19 +5,20 @@ ...@@ -5,19 +5,20 @@ do |s| do |s| = 'myid' = 'myid'
s.version = '0.0.1' s.version = '0.0.1'
s.summary = 'A new Flutter plugin project.' s.summary = 'A new Flutter plugin.'
s.description = <<-DESC s.description = <<-DESC
A new Flutter plugin project. A new Flutter plugin.
s.homepage = '' s.homepage = ''
s.license = { :file => '../LICENSE' } s.license = { :file => '../LICENSE' } = { 'Your Company' => '' } = { 'Your Company' => '' }
s.source = { :path => '.' } s.source = { :path => '.' }
s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*' s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*'
s.dependency 'Flutter' s.dependency 'Flutter'
s.platform = :ios, '9.0' s.dependency 'MyId'
s.platform = :ios, '11.0'
# Flutter.framework does not contain a i386 slice. # Flutter.framework does not contain a i386 slice. Only x86_64 simulators are supported.
s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES', 'EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'i386' } s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES', 'VALID_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'x86_64' }
s.swift_version = '5.0' s.swift_version = '5.0'
end end
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name: myid ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name: myid
description: MyID SDK plugin for Flutter. Package supports iOS and Android to verify users identity. description: MyID SDK plugin for Flutter. Package supports iOS and Android to verify users identity.
version: 1.0.5 version: 1.0.5
homepage: homepage:
repository: repository:
issue_tracker: issue_tracker:
environment: environment:
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