`withBuildMode(value: MyIdBuildMode)` | Build mode: DEBUG, PRODUCTION | MyIdBuildMode.PRODUCTION
`withLocale(value: MyIdLocale)` | To set a specific language | MyIdLocale.UZ
`withPhoto(value: Boolean)` | Return SDK face bitmap | false
**Note 1.1.**`MyIdEntryType` contains **AUTH** and **FACE** types.
@@ -227,9 +230,8 @@ The MyId Android SDK supports translations for the following languages:
- English (en) 🇬🇧
- Russian (ru) 🇷🇺
By default, we infer the language to use from the parent app settings.
The MyId Android SDK also allows for the selection of a specific custom language for locales that MyId does not currently support. You can have an additional XML strings file inside your resources folder for the desired locale (for example, `res/values-kk/myid_strings.xml` for 🇰🇿 translation), with the content of our [strings.xml](myid_strings.xml) file, translated for that locale.
By default, the Uzbek language is used. However, you can also call the `withLocale(MyIdLocale)`
method of the `MyIdConfig.Builder` configuration to set the language.