Commit d04f1bc7 authored by Javokhir's avatar Javokhir
Browse files


parent 3634559d
## 1.1.0
## 1.1.1
* Added enhanced security measures.
* Added new clientHash and clientHashId methods. Those are mandatory if using entryType = AUTH.
* 🤩 New measures of spoof detection, with zero penetration rate.
* Upgrade Android SDK to 1.0.1.
* Upgrade iOS SDK to 2.2.3.
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Update your iOS configuration files
Change `ios/Podfile` to use version 11:
platform :ios, '11.1'
platform :ios, '12.0'
Add descriptions for camera permission to `ios/YourProjectName/Info.plist`:
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ Add descriptions for camera permission to `ios/YourProjectName/Info.plist`:
var result = await MyIdClient.start(
config: MyIdConfig(
clientId: clientId,
clientHash: clientHash,
clientHashId: clientHashId,
passportData: 'AB1234567',
dateOfBirth: '01.09.1991',
buildMode: MyIdBuildMode.PRODUCTION
......@@ -57,6 +59,8 @@ Add descriptions for camera permission to `ios/YourProjectName/Info.plist`:
Method | Notes | Default
--- | --- | ---
`clientHash` | Client Hash | Provided by MyID sales team. Mandatory, if using entryType = AUTH
`clientHashId` | Client Hash Id | Provided by MyID sales team. Mandatory, if using entryType = AUTH
`passportData` | Passport serial number or PINFL data | Optional
`dateOfBirth` | Date of birth in. Format: `dd.MM.yyyy` | Optional
`sdkHash` | 32 characters long string | Optional
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ packages:
path: ".."
relative: true
source: path
version: "1.0.9"
version: "1.1.0"
dependency: transitive
name: myid
description: MyID SDK plugin for Flutter. Package supports iOS and Android to verify users identity.
version: 1.1.0
version: 1.1.1
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