Commit c0470a77 authored by Javohir Savriy's avatar Javohir Savriy
Browse files


parent 9fe542e0
......@@ -75,11 +75,6 @@ class ExampleActivity : AppCompatActivity(), MyIdResultListener {
private fun startMyId() {
val organizationDetails = MyIdOrganizationDetails(
phoneNumber = "1234567",
logo = R.drawable.image_logo
val config = MyIdConfig.builder(clientId = /* Your client id */)
.withClientHash(/* Your clientHash */, /* Your clientHashId */)
......@@ -113,11 +108,6 @@ class ExampleActivity : AppCompatActivity(), MyIdResultListener {
private fun startMyId() {
val organizationDetails = MyIdOrganizationDetails(
phoneNumber = "1234567",
logo = R.drawable.image_logo
val config = MyIdConfig.builder(clientId = /* Your client id */)
.withClientHash(/* Your clientHash */, /* Your clientHashId */)
......@@ -249,4 +239,4 @@ reference.
| 101 | Непредвиденная ошибка
| 102 | Доступ к камере запрещен
| 103 | Ошибка при получении данных с сервера
| 120 | Размытое фото обнаружено в SDK
\ No newline at end of file
| 120 | Размытое фото обнаружено в SDK
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